What is Brain Wave Recursive Therapy or BWRT?
BWRT stands for Brain wave Recursive Therapy, a modern model of psychology and psychotherapy created by UK professional therapist, Terence Watts, MCGI. It uses a totally logical, practical, and down-to-earth working method in which it’s not necessary f you to talk about anything you would rather not discuss – the practitioner only needs to know how you feel and how you would prefer t feel instead. BWRT is unlike any other therapy you might have heard of or read about, using the latest discoveries in neuroscience coupled with your own unique brain processes to help you get better. Only certified practitioners have been trained to deliver BWRT and all have to adhere to a strict ethical code.
In this article, we’ll look at why BWRT is a particularly good treatment for phobias, what a phobia is, how we get a phobia, the symptoms of phobia, and what you need to tell your therapist.
How can BWRT help with Phobias?
According to the NHS, around 10 million people have phobias in the UK.
The most common ones are:
- acrophobia, fear of heights.
- aerophobia, fear of flying.
- arachnophobia, fear of spiders.
- astraphobia, fear of thunder and lightning.
- autophobia, fear of being alone.
- claustrophobia, fear of confined or crowded spaces.
- hemophobia, fear of blood.
- hydrophobia, fear of water.
- Trypanophobia, fear of medical procedures including needles.
Some more unusual phobias are:
- Arithmophobia, fear of maths
- Chloe phobia, fear of newspapers
- Pogonophobia, fear of beards
- Nephophobia, fear of clouds
- Somniphobia, fear of sleep.
What is a phobia?
A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear of something which causes overwhelming anxiety, dread, and panic.
How do we get a phobia?
A phobia is often developed when we are children or adolescents. They are often associated with a frightening or stressful situation but there can also be a genetic link.
What are some of the symptoms of a phobia?
- Shaking
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Shortness of breath
- Increased heart rate
- Stomach upset
- Intense fear
- Anxiety
We can often feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, and out of control when experiencing a phobia. Many individuals will therefore avoid situations that may trigger their symptoms. Some severe phobias may become quite restrictive in day to day life as well as causing severe distress for many individuals
How long does BWRT take?
BWRT provides a fast resolution of mental health issues based on solution-focused concepts and does not require the client to disclose their private or personal secrets.
It is a fast-acting and effective way of facilitating change. BWRT usually only takes 2-3 sessions with more complex issues taking 4-5 sessions.
How does BWRT work?
BWRT is a fast and effective therapy that fits with the current concepts of neuroscience.
It works on the basis that the brain’s neural pathways can be changed or rerouted to give a different response to those initially learned through traumatic experiences or previously learned negative patterns of thoughts and behaviours. It basically rewires our brain!.
By changing your old and negative reactions to issues or fears whether established in your upbringing, past traumatic events, negative experiences, BWRT helps you to change your response by changing the way you think and allowing you to choose your preferred outcome.
It’s particularly good for phobias. For example, if you experience a deep fear of spiders you can change your response to a calm response around spiders. The outcome has to be plausible!
If you have a fear of social situations you can change your preferred outcome to one of feeling as relaxed as you are when at home.
What information do you need to give the therapist?
The great thing with BWRT is that it does not require you to go into any great detail about your particular issue.
There will be a few initial questions in relation to whether you feel the therapy is right for you, some information on your medical background, and the overall issue you wish to resolve.
You can find out more about BWRT here; The Terence Watts BWRT Institute